In this approach, a human translator edits and corrects machine-translated text to achieve a higher quality Japanese translation. The idea is to get the best of both worlds - the efficiency of machines and the precision of humans.
The Challenges of PEMT
While PEMT may seem like an ideal solution, it's essential to consider the reality of the editing process.
Some professional translators express their reservations, noting that it's nearly impossible to remove all errors in machine-translated text through editing alone. As a result, the output may still fall short of the quality expected from a fully human-translated document.
"The above PEMT scenario assumes that this is a full edit, i.e., editors are supposed to remove all mistakes and produce a text that sounds as if it was translated by a human rather than a machine. In other words, they have to try to make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear."
Professional Translator Venting
Moreover, professional human translators often avoid PEMT assignments as it might undermine their earning potential. This raises a critical question for your translation project:
If professionals shy away from PEMT, who are the translation companies relying on for post-machine translation editing?
The Importance of Professional Japanese Translation
When it comes to ensuring top-notch quality in your translation, there's no substitute for professional human translators. Unlike PEMT, where unqualified non-native speakers and bilinguals may be involved, professional Japanese translation guarantees a superior outcome.
Over the years, translation methodologies and tools have evolved, each claiming to be the ultimate solution:
The current crop is artificial intelligence (AI) powered translation, large language models (LLM) and whatnot.
However, the time-tested approach of professional human translation remains unrivaled in delivering the highest quality possible. If quality and accuracy are paramount in your translation project, entrust it to skilled human translators who possess the expertise, language fluency, and cultural understanding to produce a flawless Japanese translation.